Tuesday, October 25, 2005

What makes you smile?

Sarah Ban Breathnach's gratitude journal came to me at a time in my life when I could have thought I had little to be grateful for...but I didn't, raising my girls on my own, living in a lovely old house in a small town, not much money coming in, but a small mortgage, enough money for the necessities, kitties, I was HAPPY...I got sad sometimes, but I had this inner contentment which kept me going. The gratitude journal focused me, why was I happy ? what was I thankful for? what keeps me going and makes me smile? Every day I wrote 5 things I was grateful for, sometimes it was "breathing" other days the lines overflowed, I knew what made me happy, and if the going was tough I could immerse myself in those things.
Now I am older,this world is full or corruption and greed, angry people hurting others, I need to work harder to find that happy core every day, I need to go back to counting my blessings and discovering what makes me want to sing. The sun helps, family helps...and getting bloggers to join in helps a lot!

So here goes, my first contest...post a picture on your blog...of something that makes you so happy inside that you want to do a dance, run up and kiss someone, or hug the cat...something that makes your heart jump and your eyes sparkle...it can be tiny ( plump, shiny vanilla pods can keep me happy for ages, looking, touching and smelling) or huge, you decide.

Post on your blog, link to me in the post, and post a comment here so that I can come look at your images, and yes there is a prize...a bundle of goodies each, never fear, I will make it worth your while! The two winners will be decided on 1. pure unadulterated luck and 2. an image that makes me smile down to my toes.

here is something I am smiling about today...

Naturally "Kid et Soie" 10 ply yarn for wee lounging socks for me! Piccie is for The Skirt...who asked so nicely, and whose post from 20/10 I so heartily agree with.

and this yummy yummy Opal Rainforest Tiger...purrrrrrrrrrr. this pic is for Stripey...pity you didn't get to come play on the weekend.